
Bernanke is a Wolf Woman in Drag

Wolf Woman defined = A woman that you, in a drunken state, pick up in a bar, go back to her place and foolishly don't leave after the deed is done. When you awaken the next morning in a sober state and see how unattractive your bed mate is, you want to distance yourself from her so bad, you make the decision to gnaw off the arm she is sleeping on instead of moving your arm due to the fear you'll awaken her.

"With all due respect, U.S. policy is clueless. What the U.S. accuses China of doing, the U.S.A. is doing by different means,” the German finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble said of the Fed’s decision.

"The German export success is not due to any currency tricks but rather due to the improved competitiveness of German companies," Schaeuble said. "The American growth model is stuck in a deep crisis."The United States has lived beyond its means for too long, its financial sector is disproportionally inflated and its industrial core neglected. There are many reasons for America's problems ... the German export surplus is not one of them."

"The Federal Reserve's proposed policy of quantitative easing is a dangerous gamble with only a small potential upside benefit and substantial risks of creating asset bubbles that could destabilize the global economy," Harvard University economist Martin Feldstein





